Innovation & Technology

Last year, our firm took another important step forward in the realm of innovation. We launched our innovation brand, attix, which seeks to create a more collaborative environment among startups, our clients, and our professionals.

attix essentially establishes a new relationship dynamic between the firm and the startup market. The team behind attix curates and evaluates startups, selcting those that offer the most innovative and relevant solutions for our clients' needs – as well as those that can contribute to the efficiency of the firm’s internal processes.

attix’s greatest differentiating factor is that it focuses beyond the world of legal solutions. The initiative expands our ability to provide assistance and enables us to support our clients in strategically solving the business challenges they face.

"We want to take the lead and drive transformation in the market, creating more impact and more value for the innovation ecosystem. Our goal is to assist in solving challenges by creating bridges that transform business."

Lisa Worcman

Officially launched at the fourth edition of Tech Legal Trends – an annual event held by the firm's Technology team – attix has already established a series of different actions and partnerships. In 2022, we welcomed startups from a range of areas to the attix portfolio:

"attix promotes the concept of open innovation, and I really like the idea that we can share our work. That's how we create value. In this case, the value lies in having different perspectives. As a startup, we tend to generate smaller-scale solutions, but through Mattos Filho, we can be attentive to the client's needs and understand their reality. That's where innovation resides. We truly feel that the firm is our partner."

Frederico Rizzo
Co-Founder – Basement

Why attix?

In forming the brand, we applied the following concepts/inspirations:

  • · We borrowed the letters ‘a’ and ‘tt’ from Mattos Filho, key letters within our firm’s name.
  • · The word ‘attic’ – it signifies the highest place in a house where it is possible to see beyond the horizon.
  • · The letter ‘x’ represents speed and movement.

Partner Lisa Worcman was joined by our associate Luiz Fernando Goedert Leite and Basement co-founder Frederico Rizzo for a conversation on the attix way of operating. Watch the conversation in the video below:

Innovation: a pillar of our culture

As a brand that represents our entrepreneurial spirit, attix has become another way for us to talk about innovation – this time, externally, to the market. Internally, we continue to foster a culture of innovation through our Imagine program.

As well as bringing our professionals together to discuss leading trends in the industry, Imagine put some of the winning ideas from ImagineLab into practice, an internal competition involving the firm's professionals. These included suggestions regarding client service, and feedback and evaluations of our services, people management, internal logistics, and the use of artificial intelligence.

At the end of the year, we implemented the ‘Insight feedback’ idea, which allows clients to evaluate the quality of our firm's service in real-time and on the job. Clients can access the evaluation simply by clicking on a link that appears in our professionals’ e-mail signatures.

In 2022, we also invested in training our people in regard to more modern storytelling and visual law techniques, encouraging the use of videos, infographics, podcasts, and other media to support how we meet legal demands.

“Innovation is a mindset at Mattos Filho. The goal is to generate experiences and build skills so that our professionals internalize the concept of innovation. This way, their ability to disseminate new ideas becomes stronger, as does their ability to bring innovation to the firm and our clients. We need people prepared for the changes to come who can help us act as protagonists of transformation."

Marina Anselmo Schneider

"Although common thinking tends to associate innovation with technology, it is much more than that. It is the ability to perceive, identify new paths, solutions, and do something different, regardless of the field. An entrepreneurial spirit is a highly encouraged characteristic at Mattos Filho. The ability to see what is emerging, bring together the right people, and organize ourselves to lead the change is part of our culture."

Luciana Lorenzo

Featured in
this Chapter

Fabio Kujawski
Leonardo Brandileone
Technology & Knowledge Officer
Lisa Worcman
Luciana Lorenzo